Whelp today marks the first day of having my very own online blog. After viewing so many great artists's blogs and being inspired by their work i decided to start one up myself. The following drawings were done over the summer for practice using my Wacom Tablet and Photoshop. With Photoshop my stuff tends to look airbrushed so I wanted to work on making it look painterly.
This was done after I rented Rocky Balboa. I wanted to do a collage that showed his life and training. I was inspired by an artist by the name of Daniel Cox who also did a collage of Rocky.
After watching Transformers, I just had to do these a drawing of Megan Fox.
I was so stoked after I went to Projekt Revolution over the summer, mainly because it was my first concert ever, that I found a pic from that same concert (courtesy of LIVE 105) and drew it.
1 comment:
I really like your paintings. They are full of life, even though they were done from a photograph. But still good for practice. I especially admire the guy singing. Is it Linkin Park? I'm definately digging the blurry background and complimentary colors. It gets me kinda trippppy, in a good way. As for the Megan Fox, she's a hottie!I like how your paintings show movement(I can see brush strokes yay!). Can't wait to see more, i'm be watching...
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