Thursday, May 22, 2008

Self Portrait: Homage to Norman Rockwell

For the final in our Figure painting class, the assignment was to choose a master painter and try to emulate his/her style either by color pallet, brush strokes, technique etc. I chose Norman Rockwell mainly because of his use of story in all his paintings and the color pallet he uses.
Out of all his paintings, I went with "The Letterman". Back in the day, I wanted to play high school football with some of my friends but my Mom just wouldn't let me do it. I figure since I couldn't play football in real life why not make it happen through the world of art.

Just a side note, I added the background because my teacher stressed throughout the semester about having a background so I didn't want to risk leaving it white especially on the final even though Rockwell kept his white/off-white.


Chanvannark Kath said...

Damn, your stuff always keeps me laughing haha. Great stuff, keep up the good work and yeah, keep drawing and painting haha. The road to success is closer than ya think...YA DIGGGGG

Jackson Dryden said...

Well done. Damn, Rockwell would be a challenge to copy! If you have time, try to do more master copies. You will learn a lot.

huong said...

for some reason, your background makes it stand out more but than again i love color. ha!

Virgil Serrano said...

Might as well give you my two cents for what it's worth. Remember your paintings from Surgalski's class? Big difference with what you're producing now huh? This painting not only holds the narratives that made Rockwell successful, but it also has that attitude and personality that you always have. BIG UPS BRO! Your work's come a long way, and the mileage that I've seen you put in makes it more then obvious. Remember that we still have one whole year left...