Saturday, August 8, 2009

FREE Caricatures at Cannery Row 3.0

Third times the charm! I found myself working a little bit faster than the previous two sessions and I liked the results more this time around. Let me just say, it really does help when your model stays in one place. I really should have done that the last two times we've done this. Anyway, I was a little nervous coming in this time just because we didn't have the usual group of friends with us to help lessen the load for each artist and to get the sketches out faster. It was just my friend Virgil and me taking on the masses.

After I got the first couple drawings out of my system I started to get settled in. We were pretty much busy right from the start and never really had a break until we left. That was actually a good thing because it put us in a groove instead of taking breaks and then trying to get back into things.

Thanks to all who came out. Happy People. Interesting Stories. Good Times!

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